"Rag To Riches" story from 1954 ... holds a secret

In the summer of 1954, four hundred wealthy businessmen were invited to hear about a joint venture proposal.

Hands were shaken, coffee was served and for the next few hours, behind closed doors, P & L statements projected the future of how this venture would play out.

History would show that this was one of the sweetest deals ever offered in business and those that embraced this idea would make thousands of times their original investment ... all that joined the venture would make millions.

This was not a naive group of wet-behind-the ears dreamers, awestruck by the thought of sudden riches, or easily swayed by emotion.

No, this was a hard-nosed bunch, accustomed to dealing with bankers and politicians.

Here were the captains of their industry, being offered the deal of a lifetime. Their reaction is what is fascinating.

How many jumped at the deal?

How many of those original 400 had the foresight to run with this deal ... and beat out the competition?

As it turns out, exactly three.

The creator of this idea - ever the businessman - understood; "After all," he says, "all we were offering them was a name, a set of plans, and a dream!"

A name, a set of plans, and a dream...

The deal was a simple one: $500 down and about $5 per day was all they had to pay for the rights to use a name and a set of plans ... to make the dream of a lifetime come true.

Who was this businessman and what was he selling? You may not recognize his name but you certainly know his company. Today, it is one of the most recognized brand names in the world.

Side Note: Within three years this company went public with a $3.9 million stock offering and suddenly, everyone wanted in on the deal.

Those that didn't jump on board wound up standing in a long line, waiting their turn.

Do miss out this time, You'll be one happy person with this deal, Go Here

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"Rag To Riches" story from 1954 ... holds a secret

In the summer of 1954, four hundred wealthy businessmen were invited to hear about a joint venture proposal.

Hands were shaken, coffee was served and for the next few hours, behind closed doors, P & L statements projected the future of how this venture would play out.

History would show that this was one of the sweetest deals ever offered in business and those that embraced this idea would make thousands of times their original investment ... all that joined the venture would make millions.

This was not a naive group of wet-behind-the ears dreamers, awestruck by the thought of sudden riches, or easily swayed by emotion.

No, this was a hard-nosed bunch, accustomed to dealing with bankers and politicians.

Here were the captains of their industry, being offered the deal of a lifetime. Their reaction is what is fascinating.

How many jumped at the deal?

How many of those original 400 had the foresight to run with this deal ... and beat out the competition?

As it turns out, exactly three.

The creator of this idea - ever the businessman - understood; "After all," he says, "all we were offering them was a name, a set of plans, and a dream!"

A name, a set of plans, and a dream...

The deal was a simple one: $500 down and about $5 per day was all they had to pay for the rights to use a name and a set of plans ... to make the dream of a lifetime come true.

Who was this businessman and what was he selling? You may not recognize his name but you certainly know his company. Today, it is one of the most recognized brand names in the world.

Side Note: Within three years this company went public with a $3.9 million stock offering and suddenly, everyone wanted in on the deal.

Those that didn't jump on board wound up standing in a long line, waiting their turn.

Do miss out this time, You'll be one happy person with this deal, Go Here

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"Rag To Riches" story from 1954 ... holds a secret

In the summer of 1954, four hundred wealthy businessmen were invited to hear about a joint venture proposal.

Hands were shaken, coffee was served and for the next few hours, behind closed doors, P & L statements projected the future of how this venture would play out.

History would show that this was one of the sweetest deals ever offered in business and those that embraced this idea would make thousands of times their original investment ... all that joined the venture would make millions.

This was not a naive group of wet-behind-the ears dreamers, awestruck by the thought of sudden riches, or easily swayed by emotion.

No, this was a hard-nosed bunch, accustomed to dealing with bankers and politicians.

Here were the captains of their industry, being offered the deal of a lifetime. Their reaction is what is fascinating.

How many jumped at the deal?

How many of those original 400 had the foresight to run with this deal ... and beat out the competition?

As it turns out, exactly three.

The creator of this idea - ever the businessman - understood; "After all," he says, "all we were offering them was a name, a set of plans, and a dream!"

A name, a set of plans, and a dream...

The deal was a simple one: $500 down and about $5 per day was all they had to pay for the rights to use a name and a set of plans ... to make the dream of a lifetime come true.

Who was this businessman and what was he selling? You may not recognize his name but you certainly know his company. Today, it is one of the most recognized brand names in the world.

Side Note: Within three years this company went public with a $3.9 million stock offering and suddenly, everyone wanted in on the deal.

Those that didn't jump on board wound up standing in a long line, waiting their turn.

Do miss out this time, You'll be one happy person with this deal, Go Here

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